© Fischer Sports GmbH



CLIENT: Fischer
ProduCt: SKI boot RC4 THE CURV GT
SERVICES:Research, market analysis,  PRODUcT DESIGN, CAD Modelling, COLOR & TRIM
Uniqueness:Benchmark im High Performance SKISCHUH Segment

Fischer Sports GmbH is a single-source provider for Alpine and Nordic skiing. Fischer Sports is the global market leader in Nordic skiing and one of the world's largest ski producers. Fischer Sports' vision is to be the very first choice for every athlete.

The aim of the project was to develop a pioneering ski boot for alpine skiing. It was about newly defining the key design features for the ski boot family RC4 The CURV, yet about carefully maintaining their unique value. Distinctive sinews make the boot appear precise, dynamic and at the same time light. The RC4 The Curv GT was developed on the anatomic Fischer iFit Low Volume basic fit and offers both maximum fit especially for narrow feet and the best performance at a minimal weight.

„Wirklich innovativ ist nur, wer dorthin geht, wo die anderen nicht sind.“

Reinhold Messner